⚠ Jobsboard has been retired and is no longer being maintained. Advertisers can contact DevSoc ⎋ for alternative ways to reach students.
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DevSoc presents


Connecting UNSW students with top employers since 2018.


Featuring Jobs From

We aim to give you a pleasant student working experience by partnering up with only the best.

Jane Street

Discover Featured Student Jobs and Internships

Spent hours trying to find something that suited you? Look no further, we've got you covered with some amazing opportunities.

Check out the full list of open jobs here.

Want to Post a Job?

Are you a company looking to advertise with us? We'd absolutely love to hear from you. In the meantime, you can also check out other companies that have partnered with us.

Looking for More?

If you're a CSE student with a keen interest in Jobsboard and looking to get involved, keep an eye out for our recruitment announcements on DevSoc's socials. Otherwise, you can also contribute by suggesting cool new features or even make a pull request on the Jobsboard repo.

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© DevSoc UNSW - 2024

DevSoc is the UNSW Software Development Society. We do not represent the School, Faculty, or University. This website seeks to be a centralised platform for students looking for employment opportunities, but its information has not been officially endorsed by the University, Faculty, School, or the Computer Science and Engineering Society. You should confirm with the employer that any information received through this website is correct.

Jobsboard was made with by CSE students for CSE students.